Monthly Archives: March 2021

Exciting News From Centauri Insurance!

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> March 22, 2021
> Demotech Affirms the Financial Stability Rating
> Assigned to Centauri Insurance
> The Financial Stability Ratings® (FSRs) of A, Exceptional, assigned to Centauri Specialty Insurance Company and Centauri National Insurance Company have been affirmed by Demotech, Inc. This level of FSR is assigned to insurers who possess exceptional financial stability related to maintaining positive surplus as regards policyholders, liquidity of invested assets, an acceptable level of financial leverage, reasonable loss and loss adjustment expense reserves (L&LAE), and realistic pricing.
> Demotech noted Centauri Insurance’s recent acquisition by Applied Underwriters has “replenished their balance sheets to provide the capacity to weather the impact of past natural disasters on inception to date operating results, respond to issues that may have arisen related to loss and LAE reserve development, and sustain the staying power of execution of business models so as to avail themselves of the future revenue benefit associated with rate revisions that are approved and in place. The acquirers will also supply managerial acumen to sustain business models focused on future profitability.” Demotech also stated “we believe they have ameliorated the impact of the operating results reported at year-end 2020 on their balance sheets, are positioned to record and report markedly improved operating results in 2021 that meet or exceed the financial metrics that Demotech deems consistent with carriers assigned an FSR at the A, Exceptional, level as well as successfully address other phases of our annual review process.”
> FSRs summarize Demotech’s opinion of the financial stability of an insurer regardless of general economic conditions or the phase of the underwriting cycle. FSRs utilize statutory financial data based on insurance accounting principles prescribed or permitted by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC). Since 1989, FSRs of A or better have been accepted by the major participants in the secondary mortgage marketplace.
> Thank you for your continued partnership and business.
> Sincerely,
> Centauri Insurance

> Copyright © 2021 CENTAURI SPECIALTY INSURANCE COMPANY, All rights reserved. Insurance products are underwritten by Centauri Specialty Insurance Company and Centauri National Insurance Company. Insurance coverage is subject to underwriting review and approval. Products may not be available in all states.

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