What to do during a hurricane event

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  • August 22, 2020

Now that you are completely prepared for a storm, it’s time to explain what actions to take when you receive a hurricane watch or warning alert from the National Weather Service for your local area. It also provides tips on what to do before, during, and after a hurricane.

First, it’s important to know the difference between a watch and a warning (click here for Hurricanes 101).
Hurricane watch = conditions POSSIBLE within the next 48 hrs.

Steps to take:

It’s time to review your evacuation route(s) & listen to local officials by monitoring local radio or television stations.
Then review the items in your disaster supply kit and add items to meet the household needs of children, parents, individuals with disabilities or other access and functional needs or pets.
Hurricane warning = conditions are EXPECTED within 36 hrs.

Steps to take:

Follow evacuation orders from local officials.
Check-in with family and friends by texting or using social media. Communication is KEY in alerting others of your plans and making sure you are safe.
Follow your hurricane timeline preparedness checklist below, depending on when the storm is anticipated to hit and the impact that is projected for your location.

Credit @Gulfstream Insurance

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